Pasta con Pina (gluten free) #PastawithPineapple

"When I was growing up, suppertime, as we called it, was when the family got together around the table. That was our family time, and there were lots of nights we sat at that table for hours, far beyond supper, just laughing, talking and having fun. Those dinners are some of the best memories of my childhood." 

~Trisha Yearwood

"Those dinners are some of the best memories of my childhood." So true. Decades later they still constitute my best memories of family and comfort; food and all. Today, things are not quite the same, no 'lay-the-table' sit down together meals, and one is generally eating alone and the iPad substitutes the missing family and conversations! I hasten to add that's not a crib, just the facts. The younger generation today, or most of them, don't seem to value these little joys of life. They're different, that's all.

But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good meal. Despite the numerous diet restrictions that are enforced time and again, I take great pleasure in learning to cook up something awesome, or quite near awesome, with whatever I'm allowed to consume. Thereafter, I thoroughly enjoy the meal and my company - the TV/Cine artists!

Today, I offer you a pasta, gluten-free, salsa/sauce free, with a combination of simple ingredients. I used what were must haves: almond and pineapple, you can use whatever you like in nuts and fruit. I'd suggest walnuts/pecan as a substitute and pear/apple/kiwi for the fruit. So let's get on with this deliciously 'fresh' flavoured pasta. You can use soy sauce if you like. I'm not permitted to so I didn't use any.


Pasta, gluten required

Fresh req., diced (should be ripe and sweet)
Blanched req., chopped. Soak almonds for a couple of hrs or in warm water for about 30 minutes, if you don't have much time. Remove skin.
Spring onions.............chopped, use bothe green and white parts
Red bell pepper.........chop into small squares
Bok many leaves as req. chopped
Sea salt acc to taste
White sesame...........a pinch or two, lightly roasted
White pepper (optional)
Roasted chilli flakes (optional)
EVOO......................2 tsps, if cooking for 1 person

Prepare the vegetables for the pasta. 
Keep white and green parts of the spring onion separate.
Toast the sesame.
Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a non-stick pan. Lower to medium.
Add the white part of the spring onion. stir. Allow to cook for a about 30 seconds.
Add bok choy, red bell pepper. Stir around to mix with the onion. 30-40 seconds
Now put in the green part of the onion. Stir again.
Add the pineapple, and chopped almonds.
Stir, cook for another few minues.
Add salt to taste, chilli flakes or pepper and sesame.
You're done here. Take the pan off of the fire.

Boil the pasta according to instructions on the packet.
Drain well and add to the other cooked items.
Give it a turn on high flame for a couple of seconds.
Voila....a lovely meal is done!

Spaghetti on a fork...spaghetti on a fork....twirly-whirly, twirly-whirly spaghetti on a fork!
Dig in!
